President's Note - June 2023
The end is in sight of the school year, that is.
Author: Lori McCleese
Community Involvement
Thursday, 18 May 2023

Image caption: Lori McCleese, President of JA of North Central Ohio
Just as teachers prepare for final grades, field days and graduations, our staff is also wrapping up 2022-23 projects. It’s been a fantastic – and energetic! – spring with carnival-like atmospheres at our JA Inspire to Hire events, inspiring showcases of innovation and resilience at JA Expo (complete with a special national announcement) and classroom programming! WHEW.
We are excited to take a breaththis summer and celebrate the many wins our organization and team has experienced this year – and the amazing partnerships we have made. With that excitement comes gratitude for our inspiring community, corporate and school partners, without whom none of our impact would be possible. To our many volunteers, teachers, leaders, corporate councils, and coordinators - thank you!
We hope you have a well-deserved summer break.
See you next school year as we kick off 2023-24 by impacting students with JA Financial Literacy, JA Inspire to Hire and What’s Next initiatives!
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